Tree Plantation in Bhat Village during Green Drive, in association with Gandhinagar Forest department. Vanshree Trust joined Green drive by Times of India in Bhat Village.  This drive is an outstanding effort involving the common man of the city. It highlights issues related to environment, which in turn are related to the basic quality of life.

Do you know why trees are basic necessities for our eco-system? Read the mind blowing facts below.

  • An acre of trees yearly produce amount of oxygen that is required by 18 people annually. Nearly 260 pounds of Oxygen each year is produced by one single tree.
  • About 2.6 tons of Carbon Dioxide each year is removed by One acre of trees.
  • In the summer season, Shade trees can make buildings around 20 degrees cooler.
  • Carbon generated by car driven up to 8700 miles can be absorbed by an acre of trees in one Year.
  • Oxygen required by 4 persons can be produced by an average-sized tree in one year.
  • Air-conditioning costs can be reduced up to 50 percent, if trees are planted in the right place around buildings.

Planting a tree is one of the best things one can do to repay nature for its services. Tree planting events like this promote community involvement, bringing people together to create a better future for everyone.

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