On Occasion of Sthanpa Din of Gandhinagar, Forest Department organized a ‘Vruksh Yatra-2018’ in collaboration with Vanshree Trust, Gandhinagar.

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At first instance, one thought will blink in one’s mind that, what would be there to see in a desert? But after visiting the Little Rann of Kutch, the fillings will definitely be reversed.

Wild asses in Little Rann of Kutch

The Little Rann of Kutch is an area of 4953 Sq. Kms, which is declared as Wild Ass (Equus Heminous Khur) Sanctuary in 1973. Though it is a flat, salt cracked vast barren desert, it consist very rare and rich bio diversity. It is the only place on earth, which is remained as last habitat of Wild Asses. Previously it was a shallow portion of Gulf of Kutch, formed by the process of siltation of marine estuary. During winter, cold wind blows and nights are chilled. In summer time, hissing sand storms and the temperature rises high up to 47*C. During monsoon, the discharge of rivers and rain water along with sea water – blown up due to south west winds, the whole area converts into a shallow sheet of water until October- November. Read the rest of this entry »


Importance of water

Yesterday, I was driving back home in my Air conditioned car after 9 hours at workplace. During day,  I spent most of my time in working in front of the computer. to quench my thrust I had 2 glass of cold drinks, 2 cups of coffee in entire day. Then had work out at Gym for 45 minutes, just before driving back home. The drive was about 39Km which took 50minutes.

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Our  senior most volunteer Pradip solanki just rescued Honey Buzzard bird from Dashela village near Gandhinagar city.

Our volunteer Ashutosh Tiwary rescued Trinket snake from High-rise building hostel Pdpu campus at midnight.

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Our trust Volunteer Ashutosh Tiwary rescued cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) bird from PDPU Campus.

Our trust Volunteer Ashutosh Tiwary rescue parrot (popat ) bird from PDPU Campus.

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Our Volunteer Ashutosh Tiwary rescued Indian monitor lizard from Minister Ramanlal Vora Bungalow -6 , Sector -20 Gandhinagar.

Our Volunteer Ashutosh Tiwary rescued 1 meter long Monitor Lizard from PDPU college Campus area and released it in the wilderness outside the Gandhinagar city.

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Our trust volunteer Ashutosh Tiwary rescued Indian monitor Lizard from Minister Bungalow, Gandhinagar, sector -20.