Vanshree trust and volunteers distributed Bird water pots(clay) and Bird house(cardboard) in sector 7, Gandhinagar.

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On World Sparrow Day, Vanshree organized the nest distribution programme. Artificial nests were distributed to volunteers who came forward for sparrow conservation. Artificial nest boxes are used to enhance population of house sparrows.

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Vanshree Trust and NICM team collected and distributed winter clothes, shoes, food, education aids and stationary supplies to the slum area people in Gandhinagar. The volunteers were satisfied with the helping work of collection and distribution. These volunteers include the MBA students of NICM and vanshree team.

These volunteers are going to distribute fruits and sweets in the slum area. The volunteers will keep doing this work to spread smile. The credit of the hard work of whole distribution goes to Jadav Ishita, Hiteshri Sodha, Vijay Deshwal, Riya Prajapati, and Tanaj Mansoori. Thank you volunteers!

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Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Gruiformes
Family: Otididae
Genus: Ardeotis
Species: A. nigriceps

Found In Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary (Gurgaon), Desert National Park (Rajasthan) and the Lala-Parjau sanctuary in western Kutch (Gujarat)
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Tree Plantation in Bhat Village during Green Drive, in association with Gandhinagar Forest department. Vanshree Trust joined Green drive by Times of India in Bhat Village.  This drive is an outstanding effort involving the common man of the city. It highlights issues related to environment, which in turn are related to the basic quality of life.

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An injured bird was sent for immediate treatment to Jivdaya Kendra by Vanshree Trust. Birds and animal welfare has always been mission of Vanshree trust. Our objective is to help animals or birds in pain and suffering and we try our best to nurture them back to a healthy and happy life.

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Injured Bird from treated and saved in Sector-5, Gandhinagar.

Bird Rescue Gandhinagar

Volunteers of Vanshree trust and B.P. College of Business administration associated with Kadi Sarva VishwaVidyalaya, joined the Van Mahotsav by Gujarat government with enthusiasm. As part of the Vruksh Yatra, the students of BBA visited all sectors door to door, and distributed tree saplings. They also did tree plantation at some of the public places like schools and temples.

Vruksh Yatra 2018

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Injured bird from sector -25 of Gandhinagar was treated on time and saved.

Bird Rescue, Gandhingar