Archive for the ‘Rescue Mission’ Category

An injured bird was sent for immediate treatment to Jivdaya Kendra by Vanshree Trust. Birds and animal welfare has always been mission of Vanshree trust. Our objective is to help animals or birds in pain and suffering and we try our best to nurture them back to a healthy and happy life.

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Injured Bird from treated and saved in Sector-5, Gandhinagar.

Bird Rescue Gandhinagar

Injured bird from sector -25 of Gandhinagar was treated on time and saved.

Bird Rescue, Gandhingar

Our  senior most volunteer Pradip solanki just rescued Honey Buzzard bird from Dashela village near Gandhinagar city.

Our volunteer Ashutosh Tiwary rescued Trinket snake from High-rise building hostel Pdpu campus at midnight.

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Our trust Volunteer Ashutosh Tiwary rescued cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) bird from PDPU Campus.

Our trust Volunteer Ashutosh Tiwary rescue parrot (popat ) bird from PDPU Campus.

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Our Volunteer Ashutosh Tiwary rescued Indian monitor lizard from Minister Ramanlal Vora Bungalow -6 , Sector -20 Gandhinagar.

Our Volunteer Ashutosh Tiwary rescued 1 meter long Monitor Lizard from PDPU college Campus area and released it in the wilderness outside the Gandhinagar city.

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Our trust volunteer Ashutosh Tiwary rescued Indian monitor Lizard from Minister Bungalow, Gandhinagar, sector -20.